Projects of radioSPARKS
Here you'll find my favorite prototyping experiments. I'm more a maker and less than a content provider.
Learning something new makes you feel dumb ... while it's making you more intelligent.
Microcontroller (MCU) Projects GO Box.
PICAXE 08M2 Silulated Filament Lamp Flash using a WS2801
PICAXE-08M2 Read Temperature from DS18B20
PICAXE-08M2 Sequential Multi-Tone(SMT) QRS Hellschreiber and Morse Code ID Generator
PICAXE-08M2 Simplified IR (Infrared) Remote Serial Keypad
PICAXE-08M2 Simplified Morse Code ID/Beacon Generator
PICAXE 08M2 using a 24LC16B EEPROM
PICAXE 08M2 via I2C PCF8574 8-Bit I/O Port Expander driving a 20x4 LCD
ATtiny85 running OLED Display Demo
Multiband End Fed Half Wave EFHW Antenna
Helium-Neon Laser Power Supply
PICAXE Programming Cable (FTDI USB)
MAX7219 8x8 LED Matrix ATtiny85
Time-Of-Flight VL53L0X PICAXE
Soldering up a storm on the bench.
Stuff to help building your unique project.
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