The radioSPARKS Gallery
Photo gallery and article list built by views from online users. This page will update in a pseudo-random order.
(I'm still workin' on it. rhb.20241024)
Unknown China Special : JC-16
AVO : Multiminor Mk.1
Point Abino Lighthouse : Sketchup 8 MODEL 14
Oak Hill Research : OHR-HP_QRP
Radio Canada International (RCI) : Shortwave Transmitting Station
Western Electric : BC-453-B
Gandalf : SAM 201 Modem
Admiral 6-Transistor Radio : Y2307GPN 6M3NA
Repurpose an IKEA Billy Bookshelf : (Modified to be horizontal.)
Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd. : FRT-7700
VIZ Sangamo : Radiosonde V2
HEATHKIT : Electronic Workshop 19 Jr. JK-27
Philco : 32A
Marconi : 201A
Philips : B7X44A / 03
AVO : Test Bridge
Electrohome : B/W Television
FADA : 192A Neutrodyne
Allied Radio Corp. : Knight-Kit Wireless Broadcaster-Amplifier
Netronics : ELF II (COSMAC)
UFO? : Ultrasound Transmitter/Receiver
Philco : 32A
UFO? : Ultrasound Transmitter/Receiver
Soldering up a storm on the bench.
Stuff to help building your unique project.