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The Casual HAM

Just started (in 2022-10) my renewed interest in the HF bands. I've never been much of a talker.

Using a newly raised 40 Metre EFHW with homemade 56:1 transformer.
Power supply limits my output to 50-75 Watts PEP.

WATCH OUT! 2024 "NEW" front-end will be appearing without any advanced notice. Well? I guess this counts as an advanced notice.
Most links will change and pages will go missing, if you've bookmarked any page other than the Home Page.

This is not a good spot for DX.
The DX has not Landed 2024
dah-di-dah-dit  dah-dah-di-dah  dah-di-dah
VE3XRM Old Fart Award 2022
Radio Room with ACER Aspire 1 Netbook running WSJT-X Radio Room Desk
ACER Aspire 1 Netbook running WSJT-X. Listening on 30 metres 10136 kHz.
VE3XRM Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Map VE3XRM Azimuthal Equidistant Projection Map
Solar Data

Learn Morse Code and Flag Signalling

Learn Morse Code and Flag Signalling

Scouts Crystal Reciever 1920The images and text presented are taken from a series of cigarette cards dating from the early to mid 1920s. The cards were issued with Gallaher's and Cope's cigarettes.

The reverse image of the card is complete with original text. The actual cards are 66 mm x 34 mm. The reverse of all cards is printed in blue. They are small and difficult to read.

These cards were found as part of The New York Public Library Digital Collections and are public domain materials.

Note:Make sure your speakers are turned on to hear the code play.

How To Make Your Own
Wireless Set.

A 1920s style crystal radio receiver.

Having completed the Morse Lessons, a young (or old) man can earn his Wireless Man Badge.

Wireless Receiver Crystal Set 1920Click Image to learn the how-to ...