PICAXE-08M2 Simplified Morse Code ID/Beacon Generator

The ease at which to program the PICAXE is truly astounding. I thought a Morse code generator would be a "NO BRAINER" but was caught off guard. There are so many different ways to create this type of code.

Most programs need the user to map the ASCII to a binary code to create the data string. "That hurt my head." I just wanted to enter a string of ASCII and let the MCU handle the mapping.

This was cobbled together from some interesting snippets of code found by scanning around the forum and READING all things of interest.

QUOTE: mrburnette: "It is by evolving concepts and existing code bases that code evolution occurs"

Discovering new ways to optimize my code to fit in a restricted microcontroller environment like the PICAXE has helped me to become a better programmer.

The RC network you see on the breadboard acts as a low pass filter to remove the harmonics and is just to soften the harsh tone from the piezo transducer.

PICAXE-08M2 Simplified Morse Code ID/Beacon Generator
Photo is for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to the description.

posted/edited by Ralph [VE3XRM] | 20241218 | 18:17

These projects require simple skills in electronics assembly and programming.
Minimal instructions might be provided.

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