Microcontroller (MCU) Projects GO Box.

Our local library branch has a MakerSpace with 3D printers, Paper cutter, Button maker and coming soon, a Laser cutter/engraver. The MakerSpace is a do-it-yourself studio where everyone can discover high-tech to low-tech tools and technology to design and build projects.

Every other Saturday a multidisciplinary group get together for a "Coffee and Code" session, (Yup, free coffee from Timmy's, only in Canada eh!) There they brainstorm coding solutions. I find this much better than the forums and get results very quickly to most code issues.

Always wanted a "GO BOX" to show off the PICAXE Development board. So, I setup this box to easily deploy my microcontrollers for demonstration of code using various sensors. This is a two-tier fishing tackle, it organizes all the little bits in a very compact case.

The main power source is from a number of different capacity power banks, regular batteries or AC SMPS.

I use a second smaller aluminum case with antistatic foam to safely house the extra unmounted MCUs and semiconductors.

--- Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English scientist, once said, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." ---

Antenna tuner helps in rejecting images, intermod, and phantom signals. Tunable from 0.15 to 30 MHz, not very good in the AM Broadcast band.
Antenna tuner helps in rejecting images, intermod, and phantom signals. Tunable from 0.15 to 30 MHz, not very good in the AM Broadcast band.
Antenna tuner helps in rejecting images, intermod, and phantom signals. Tunable from 0.15 to 30 MHz, not very good in the AM Broadcast band.
Antenna tuner helps in rejecting images, intermod, and phantom signals. Tunable from 0.15 to 30 MHz, not very good in the AM Broadcast band.
Antenna tuner helps in rejecting images, intermod, and phantom signals. Tunable from 0.15 to 30 MHz, not very good in the AM Broadcast band.
Antenna tuner helps in rejecting images, intermod, and phantom signals. Tunable from 0.15 to 30 MHz, not very good in the AM Broadcast band.

MCU (Microcontroller Unit) Projects GO Box setup featuring the PICAXE Development board AXE091.

NOTE: The DEMO is running a 08M2 to display the control of a RGB LED using a WS2801 controller chip. My code has a logarithmic function to flash a LED like an incandescent lamp to mimic the warm-up and cool-down slope of the filament. SendDATA function code from a post Westaust55 25-11-2012.

Photo is for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to the description.

posted/edited by Ralph [VE3XRM] | 20241114 | 18:43

These projects require simple skills in electronics assembly and programming.
Minimal instructions might be provided.

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