Microcontroller (MCU) Projects GO Box.
Our local library branch has a MakerSpace with 3D printers, Paper cutter, Button maker and coming soon, a Laser cutter/engraver. The MakerSpace is a do-it-yourself studio where everyone can discover high-tech to low-tech tools and technology to design and build projects.
Every other Saturday a multidisciplinary group get together for a "Coffee and Code" session, (Yup, free coffee from Timmy's, only in Canada eh!) There they brainstorm coding solutions. I find this much better than the forums and get results very quickly to most code issues.
Always wanted a "GO BOX" to show off the PICAXE Development board. So, I setup this box to easily deploy my microcontrollers for demonstration of code using various sensors. This is a two-tier fishing tackle, it organizes all the little bits in a very compact case.
The main power source is from a number of different capacity power banks, regular batteries or AC SMPS.
I use a second smaller aluminum case with antistatic foam to safely house the extra unmounted MCUs and semiconductors.
--- Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English scientist, once said, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." ---MCU (Microcontroller Unit) Projects GO Box setup featuring the PICAXE Development board AXE091.
NOTE: The DEMO is running a 08M2 to display the control of a RGB LED using a WS2801 controller chip. My code has a logarithmic function to flash a LED like an incandescent lamp to mimic the warm-up and cool-down slope of the filament. SendDATA function code from a post Westaust55 25-11-2012.
posted/edited by Ralph [VE3XRM] | 20241114 | 18:43
These projects require simple skills in electronics assembly and programming.
Minimal instructions might be provided.
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