Wood Projects Collection

A brand new way to view some of my radio collection.

Doorless Counter-top Breadbox  (2023)

Doorless Counter-top Breadbox


Doorless Countertop Breadbox with exploded view. My wife wanted a breadbox without a door. So, here it is. Made from leftover scrap pieces of wood scrounged from various building sites. Using a basic saw and drill, cut, glue, clamp til set, sand and finish, let dry. Took three days to make, I wasn't in a hurry. Finished with my favorite chalk paint formula. Over all, one coat of wipe-on satin poly. No nails were harmed in this project, in fact no nails were used. I built it first then I decided to draw this plan. Maybe somebody would like it too. My wife loves it.
Repurpose an IKEA Billy Bookshelf (Modified to be horizontal.) (2024)

Repurpose an IKEA Billy Bookshelf

(Modified to be horizontal.)

IKEA Billy Bookshelf - Small room modification for use in a horizontal direction. To provide clearance under shelf for cleaning and HVAC register. Only 9 straight wood cuts required for transformation.

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